CFJTM Chapter 158. “Aren’t you going to kiss me? It’s time for you to kiss me.”

TN: Hiya sorry I didn’t post for yesterday and end the celebrations with a bang, just got kinda depressed and hugged my dogs for the day (budget animal therapy? lol) anyway I’ll release 2 chapters today as an apology.

Thank you again to everyone that has sponsored before by buying me a ko-fi or been part of my ko-fi membership system! ❤️❤️❤️

“Ai, it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have said those words, then you wouldn’t have killed him. What should I do now? Will they suspect you? If you are arrested, will I also be arrested? I don’t want to go to prison. I don’t want to the police after me. I’m scared.”

His jiejie doesn’t want him to be arrested. She doesn’t want to be chased by the police. She is so gentle and timid. How can he implicate his jiejie?

“If only I had known you earlier.”

He smiled at Su Qing, sad and open-minded, clear and gentle.

He held out his hand. Su Qing thought he had been convinced.

But he looked up at the snowflakes.

The white snow, crystal clear and pure, is a colour he will never have in his life.

“It’s beautiful.” Chen Ai said softly.

He turned around and jumped down.

“Chen Ai!” Su Qing rushed forward in fright, but he could only watch as he fell into the snow.

His tears suddenly fell down, drop by drop, unstoppable.

He tried to save him, but he couldn’t.

He can’t save him and he can’t save himself.

He stood alone in the heavy snow, as if he were alone in the world.

Click here for the full chapter

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